আসসালামু আলাইকুম আমার প্রিয় ও সম্মানিত ভাইয়েরা। আশা করি মহান রবের অসীম রহমতে প্রত্যেকেই ভাল আছেন। প্রিয় ভাইয়েরা আমরা যারা এই ফোরামের মাঝে অন্তভূর্ক্ত রয়েছি তারা প্রত্যেকেই কম বেশি জিহাদের পথে রত আছি। জিহাদের পথ এক আলোকময় পথ। এই পথ সেই পথ যেই পথে চলাকে খুঁটি বিহীন আকাশের স্রষ্টা মহান আল্লাহ ফরজ করে দিয়েছেন { হে ঈমানদার গন,তোমাদের জন্য জিহাদকে আজ ফরজ করা হল (সূরা বাকারা ২:২১৬)}। এই পথেই আছে মুসলিম উম্মার মুক্তি ও সম্মান। আমরা জানি যেই দিন থেকে মুসলিম উম্মা এই পথে চলা ভুলে গিয়েছে ঐ দিন থেকে তাদের পতনের ধারা শুরু হয়েছে। আমরা এও জানি রাসূল (সাঃ) এর ভবিষ্যত্* মত অনুযায়ি এই পথকে কেন্দ্র করে এক দল খারেজি সম্প্রদায়ের আগমন ঘটবে। প্রিয় ভাই সকল এই খারেজি সম্প্রদায়কে চিহ্নত করার ক্ষেত্রে আমাদের সবোর্চ্চ সতর্কতা অবলম্বন করা প্রয়োজন। আমরা শুধু মাত্র ধারনায় পতিত হয়ে কোন ব্যক্তি বা গোষ্ঠিকে খারেজি আখ্যায়িত করবো না যাতে করে আমাদের মাঝেই না খারেজিদের বৈশিষ্ট্য বিদ্ধমুল হয়। কেননা খারাজি সম্প্রদায়ের ব্যক্তিরাই শুধু মাত্র ধারনায় পতিত হয়ে একে অপর কে কাফের ও খারেজি আখ্যায়িত করে মুসলিমদের রক্তপাত ঘটায়। তাছাড়া মহান আল্লাহ পবিত্র কোরআনের মাঝে বলছেন,"হে মুমিন গন তোমরা অধিক ধারনা হতে বিরত থাক। কতক ধারনা পাপের অন্তভূর্ক্ত" (সূরা হুজরাত ৪৯:১২)। আমার সম্মানিত ভাইয়েরা আপনারা আমার ভুলকৃত শিরোনামের (উম্মার সাত শ্রেষ্ঠ সন্তান আটক) পোস্ট নিয়ে অনেকেই আমাকে মূল্যবান নসিহা দিয়েছে আবার অনেকেই মন্তব্যের সাহায্যে আমাকে এমন দলের অন্তভূর্ক্ত বানিয়ে দিয়েছেন বা ধারনা করেছেন যার অন্তভূর্ক্ত আমি নই। যাইহোক আমি তাদের মন্তব্য গুলোকে সুদৃষ্টিতে দেখেছি এমন কি আমার পোস্ট গুলোকে মুভ করা হয়েছে আমি এটাকেও সুদৃষ্টিতে দেখেছি। সকল কে মনে রাখতে হবে আমরা এক সম্মানিত টিম আল কায়দার মানহাজের মাঝে জরজরিত। আশা করি এই পোস্ট পাওয়ার পর আমার অবস্থান বুঝতে কারো কোন সমস্যা হবে না। একটি শুত্রু বিন্দু থেকে মানব আকৃতি দাতা মহান আল্লাহ আমাদের সকল কে সঠিক বুঝ দান করুক (আমিন)।
ISIS Related Documents
The Reality Behind the ISIS Group
Clearing the Accusations Against Ahlul-Jihad and Clarifying the Errors of Jam’at ISIS
Shaykh Abu Sulayman al-Muhajir - Interview
http://justpaste.it/f2le (video Links)
Shaykh Abu Sulayman al-Muhajir - Testimony
Shaykh Abu Sulayman al-Muhajir - Question and Answer Sessions
Shaykh Abu Sulayman al-Muhajir - Biography
Abu Firas al-Suri - Testimony
Farouq, Abu Hamam al-Suri - Testimony
Abu Abdullah ash-Shami on ISIS and the fitna
Abu Abdullah ash-Shami does Mubahala
Abu Abdullah ash-Shami On Electing the Khalifah
http://justpaste.it/Issues_Imamah (Partially Summarised)
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - Al-Jazeera Interview with Ahmad Mansour Part 1
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - I Wish You Were the One Eulogising Me
http://justpaste.it/ej5r (Summarised)
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - About the Fields of al-Sham - Reaction to the Declaration of ISIS
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - Initiative to End the Fitna in al-Shaam
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - For the People of Integrity, Sacrifice is Easy (September 2014)
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - Meeting with Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Jolani
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - Victory from Allah, and A Near Conquest
Abu Hassan al-Kuwaiti - ISIS and their Animalistic Desires
Abu Hassan al-Kuwaiti - Similarity between the Khawarij and Rawafid
Abu Hassan al-Kuwaiti - How did the Khawarij enter Ayn Al-Arab (Kobani)
Abu Hassan al-Kuwaiti - ISIS and their Media Lies!
Abu Hassan al-Kuwaiti - Advice of Rasoolullah (saw) to the Mujahideen Fighting in the Path of Allah
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - On the Bombing of the Shia Mosque in Kuwait
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - Humiliating Proofs Regarding the Ignorance of the Extremists
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - Advice To All Those Who Are Soft Towards the Khawarij
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - Realities Which Must be Mentioned
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - About the Juristic Knowledge of Abu Ali al-Anbari
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - Al-Qaeda and those who Claim Adherence to it
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - Daaish (ISIS) and Conspiracy
Abu Usamah al Jazraawi - This is my testimony
JN Statement - The Group of ‘Dawlah’- and the Islamic Ruling Regarding it
JN Statement - On the Ongoing Fighting with ISIS (May 2014)
JN Statement - Regarding the Fighting Between Nusra and ISIS in Northern Aleppo (September 2014)
JN Statement - A Statement on what happened in Arsal
JN Statement - A Clarification Regarding the Alleged Announcement of an Emirate
JN Statement - Regarding the Revolutionary Covenant
JN Statement - On the situation in General & Strongly Rebuking ISIS
ISIS Statement - On the Peace Initiative
ISIS Statement - On the Killing of Abu Khalid as-Suri and on Takfeer
A Collection of the Words of the Scholars Regarding ISIS
Shaykh Abu Qatadah al-Filistini - Interview with Bilal Abdul Kareem
Shaykh Abu Qatadah al-Filistini - The Cloak of the Khilafa
Shaykh Abu Qatadah al-Filistini - Caliphate for Rent .. Evil is Their Choice
Shaykh Abu Qatadah al-Filistini - A Message to the People of Jihad and those who Love Jihad
Shaykh Abu Qatadah - A Letter to the People of Jihad in Al-Sham
Shaykh Abu Qatadah - On the Hadeeth of Killing them like the People of 'Aad were Killed
Shaykh Abu Qatadah - On ISIS Sympathiers and Advices for the Mujahideen in Sham
Shaykh Abu Qatadah - The Clear Cut Kufr Committed by ISIS
Shaykh Abu Qatadah - On the Pictures Released by Jaysh Al-Islam Imitating ISIS
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - A Call to the Ummah & Mujahideen
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - Oh Allah, I am not Responsible From What Those Have Done
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - On the Assault of Shaykh Dr. Eyad al-Qunaibi
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - This is Some of What I Have and Not All of It
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - On the Caliphate
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - Extract From 'Rulings on Fghting the Bughaat'
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - Why Did I Not Name Them Khawarij Even Until Now
http://justpaste.it/m13312:47 PM 6/29/2015
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - Repelling the Aggression of ISIS From A Far
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - Clarifications on Issues of Takfeer and Extremism
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - Warning From Widespread Mistakes in Takfeer
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - On the Prisoner Exchange Deal
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - On Dr Eyad Qunaibi
Shaykh Sulayman al-`Alwan - Ruling of Giving Bay'ah to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS)
Shaykh Sulayman al-`Alwan - On ISIS
Shaykh Sulayman al-`Alwan - The Ruling on Fighting Under a Kufr Banner
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini on ISIS Refusing Sharia Courts
http://justpaste.it/g78t (compare links*)
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini Challenges ISIS fans to Mubahalah for their Accusations against Him
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini on the Announcement of the Khilafa
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini on the Ummah Iniative
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini - the Ruling on ‘Revolution Flag’
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini - Advice to Someone who wants to come to Jihad but is unsure about ISIS
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini - For Allah, the Islamic Ummah and the people of Shaam
Shaykh Hani Sibai and Tariq Abdel Haleem - A Declaration of Disownment and Divergence From the Ideology and Actions of ISIS
Shaykh Hani Sibai and Tariq Abdel Haleem - The Reality of ISIS and their Leader Ibrahim Awwad - Characterization of the Organization and the True-Nature of its Beliefs
Shaykh Hani Sibai and Tariq Abdel Haleem - Some Documented Crimes of the ISIS Group
Shaykh Hani Sibai - Commentary on al-Baghdadi's Speech ‘March Forth Whether Light or Heavy’
Shaykh Hani Sibai - Description of Something... And what is Destined to it
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - What Do You Need to Know About ISIS 1
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - What Do You Need to Know About ISIS 2 - Why Giving Allegiance to ISIS is Haram?
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - What is the Proof of ISIS Being Haruriyah Khawarij?
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - Is it Permissible for A Sunni Muslim to Give an Oath of Allegiance to the Haroriyah?
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - On Seperating From the Scholars and the Issue of Takfeer
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - Ten Vices of the Evil thought of Al-Harooriya
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - Bidaa, Can it be good?
Shaykh Abu Baseer - A Message to the Muhajiroon of Al-Sham and those Intending to Join Them
Shaykh Abu Baseer - A Declaration Regarding the Fighting Between the ISIS and the Mujahedeen of Al-Sham
Shaykh Abu Baseer - These Are the Ones from Whom I Fear for the Jihad and the Mujahidin!
Shaykh Abu Baseer - Message to Abu Jihad ash-Shishani
Shaykh Abu Baseer - The Validity of the Victorious Emirate
Dr Eyad Qunaibi - The Important Difference between Applying Hudood & “Applying Sharia”
Dr Eyad Qunaibi - Why do we talk about the Declaration of Caliphate?
Dr Eyad Qunaibi - Khilafa, Is it a thing that is Declared or Decided by the Situation?
Sheikh Abu Muaz, Noorudeen Nafeeah (A Contemporary of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam) - On Baghdadi’s State
Sheikh Abu Hafs al-Mauritani (Former Mufti of Al-Qaeda) - ISIS Does Not Qualify as a Legitimate Caliphate
Shaykh Hassan al-Kattani on ISIS
Shaykh Abdul Aziz at-Turaifi - On the Khawarij
Shaykh Umar al-Hadochi on Abu Musab al-Tunisi and Umar Zaydaan (ISIS Shari'yeen)
Shaykh Kehlan al-Jubury - A Tiny Cup Of Blood – The Values of a True Caliphate
Shaykh Muhammad al-Jazouli - A Call to Leave the Term Sahawaat and Use the Term Murtadeen
Association of Syrian Scholars on the Actions of ISIS
Conclusive Scholarly Opinions on ISIS
Fatwa on the Fitnah in Kavkaz (Signed by the Scholars of Jihad)
Fatwa after the Taking of Sawran (Signed by the Scholars of Jihad)
Shariah Court of A'zaz - Announcement of General Call to Arms (Against ISIS)
Minbar al-Tawhed - Is the Islamic State Organization Khawarij
Minbar al-Tawhed - On the Permissability of Fighting in the Ranks of ISIS in Iraq
Ustad Bilal Phillips on ISIS
Ustad Alomgir Ali on the Khawarij
Husayn ibn Mahmood Regarding the Declaration of the Khilafah
Ahrar - Hassan Abboud - On the Events in Syria and the Ummah Initiative
Ahrar - Abu Abdul-Malek - About the claimed Caliphate
Ahrar - On the Announcement of ISIS and its Implications
Ahrar - Abu Yazn - Summary on the Explanation of the Hadith of Dhul Khwaisara
Ahrar - Confession on the Killing of Abu Khalid as-Suri
Fajr al-Sham - On their Stance Towards ISIS
Muslim Shishani - On the Fitna in Syria
Muslim Shishani - On Islamic Front, ISIS & Rumors of Kidnapped Women
Muslim Shishani - An Address to the Youth of the Ummah Regarding the Scholars
JMA - Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar - Salahudin Sheeshani on his Trip to Raqqa to Make Peace with ISIS
JMA - Salahudin Sheeshani - The Most Damage Came From ISIS
JMA - Abdul-Karim Crimean On ISIS
JMA - On the “ISIS Defector” Videos
JMA - Interview with Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar Sharia Committee
JMA - Group of Dawlah and the Series of Takfeer which Do Not End
Khalid Shishani - A Clarification About Umar Shishani
Jaysh al-Mujahideen - On the Islamic State between Truth and Falsehood
Jaysh al-Mujahideen - Abu Abdullah al-Mansoor on the ilm of the "khalifah"
Ansar ul-Islam - A Message to Ayman al-Zawahiri
http://justpaste.it/h8al (Summarised)
Abu Abdel Aziz al-Qatari - Testimony proving the deception of ISIS
Ayman al-Zawahiri - A Testimony to Save/Preserve Blood of the Mujahideen in Shaam
Ayman al-Zawahiri - Eulogy of Abu Khalid Suri
Ayman al-Zawahiri - A Letter Sent to the Leaders of the Two Jihadi Groups
Ayman al-Zawahiri - Advice to the Mujahideen
Ayman al-Zawahiri - Excerpt from Letter to Zarqawi
Abu Dujanah al-Basha - This is Our Message
Mustafa Abul Yazeed - Regarding the Name of Islamic State of Iraq
Abu Yahya al-Libi - A Message to Shaykh Jawlani
Atiyatullah al-Libi - Importance of the Sanctity of Muslim Blood
Atiyatullah al-Libi - Issue of Takfir (Excommunication)
Atiyatullah al-Libi - Ruling on Taking Disbelieving Women as Slaves
Atiyatullah al-Libi - Personality & Characteristics of Mulla Umar - His Love & Mercy with the Arabs
Atiyatullah al-Libi - Personality & Characteristics of Mulla Umar - His Patience & Thabaat
Usamah bin Ladin - Some Advise Regarding Takfeer
Adam Gadahn - Killing of the Aid Worker Allan Henning
AQ Statement - Acknowledging that ISIS is No Longer Linked to Them
AQ Statement - On their Relationship to Mullah Umar
AQAP - Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula - Response in Regards the Words of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
AQAP - A Statement Denying Connection to the Explosions at the Houthis' Mosques in Sana'a
AQAP - Harith an-Nathari - On Dealing With Disputes
AQAP - Harith an-Nathari - Those Who Discourage Jihad
AQAP - Harith an-Nathari - Pleasing the People
AQAP - Harith an-Nathari - The Infallibility of Muslim Blood
AQAP - Nasr al-Ansi - 3rd Meeting with the Sheikh
AQIM - Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Magrib - Advising ISIS
http://justpaste.it/MaliWitness (Summarised)
AQIS - Al-Qaeda in the Indian Sub Continent - Announcing their New Branch
AQIS - Ahmad Farooq - We Should All Become Like A Honey-Bee...!
AQIS - Asim Umar - Impediments of Takfir
AQIS - American Aggression on Iraq and Syria
AQIS - On the Peshawar Attack
Abu Sulayman al-Utaybi (Former Top judge of ISI) - A Letter to Al-Qaeda Central
Majed al-Majed (Leader of Abdullah Azzam Brigade) - A Message to Ayman al-Zawahiri
Abu Muhammad al-Dagestani (Leader of the Caucasian Emirate) - Position of the Caucasus Emirate on the Fitna In Syria
https://justpaste.it/he53 (summary)
Abu Muhammad al-Dagestani - A Message to the Muslims
Abu Muhammad al-Dagestani - A Message to the Scholars of the Ummah
Abu Muhammad al-Dagestani - A Message with Advice to Mujahideen of Sham
Abu Ahmad al-Iraqi (Former Companion of Abu Mus'ab az-Zarqawi) - On the Baathist Penetration into ISI and later ISIS
Kavkaz Center On the Fitna in Syria
Taliban - Letter from the Taliban to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Taliban - Qaari Ikraam - Usama was Never a Da'eshi !!
Mujahideen Shura council of Derna - A Final Warning to the Ghulaat of Takfeer
This is their Manhaj - Uncovering the Details of the Assassination of Amir Abu Muhammad al-Fateh and his Family Members
Abu Sulayman al-Misri (An Ameer in Jabhat al-Nusra) - A Response to the Allegations of Jabhat al-Nusra's Collusion with Jamal Ma'rouf
Abu Ahmad al-Misri (A Muhajir in Ash-Sham) - Testimony in Regards to the Lie of "Raping the Muhajirat"
Ex-ISIS Testimony - Abu Talha Jazrawi
Ex-ISIS Testimony - Abu Musab al-Tunisi
Ex-ISIS Testimony - Testimony of some who left IS
Ex-ISIS Testimony - Abu Ahmed Escasping from ISIS
Ex-ISIS Testimony - Why I left Dawlah ‘Islamic State'
Evidence that ISIS has Exremists in their Ranks
ISIS Leader (Abu Usamah al-Iraqi) Makes Takfeer on Abu Khaled as-Suri
ISIS Leader (Abu Ayman al-Iraqi) Doesn't Want to Rule by the Sharia of Allah
A Reply to the Accusations of Abu Waleed (an ISIS Judge in Qalamun)
Differences Between az-Zarqawi & ISIS
On the Bay'ah Between Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS) and Ayman az-Zawahiri
Who are the "scholars" that support ISIS?
On the Qualifications of Mani' bin Nasir al-Mani' (An ex-ISIS, pro-Saudi scholar that ISIS had used to attack Al-Qaeda)
Are ISIS Khawarij
Things Which the Youth Admire About the ‘Awadiyah Khawarij (ISIS)
Claim of ISIS to Global Jihad
ISIS and Extremism
Hijacking a Mujahid organization - Not the First time
Few Similarities Between GIA & ISIS
How ISIS is in Takfeer when compared to Ahlus-Sunnah?
Why the Scholars of the Mujahideen are Targeted?
On the Ex-Bathists Leadership of ISIS
On Jabhat al-Nusra Releasing UN Soldiers
Real Heroes Have Flaws
Blind Support - Hooliganism vs. Brotherhood
US strategy in the Fight against AQ - Part 1 The Recalculation
US strategy in the Fight against AQ - Part 2 Distinction in Policy
US strategy in the Fight against AQ - Part 3 Strategic Insight
Jihad Fiction - Sherlock Holmes and D. Watsons on ISIS
On Jameel Adhahiri, the Yemeni Spy who is an ISIS Commander
The Turkish Army in the Care of the Khalifa
On AQAP's Ransom of the Saudi Minister
The Followers of “The Caliphate” in Yemen … Facts and Questions
Biography of Mulla Umar
Did Dawlah Attack Shaykh Usamah in their Dabiq Magazine
ISIS - The Evil Darkness that Shadows the Islamic Ummah
Decisive Reply to those Slandering Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi
On the Leaked Conversation Between Maqdisi and ISIS over the Release of Sajida
Response to ”Abu Sa’eed Al-Britani” on the Scholars and their Stance on ISIS
A Story by a Muhajir about a Friend he once knew, who joined ISIS
Story of Two Somali-Norwegian Girls Who Joined ISIS
On ShamiWitness and Advice to Brothers
Regarding the Article 'Exposing The Deviance of Al Qaidah 2.0'
Albanian Muhajirs Message to ISIS & to Those Who Are Neutral
Difference Between Taking Aid from the Kuffar and Giving them Victory over the Muslims
Such Evidences Will Never be Sufficient for the Seeker of Truth and the One Free from the Blinding of Ignorance and Deception
Stances from the Noble Seerah to Ponder Upon
Is Nusra fighting ISIS Independently or in Alliance with other Groups in Aleppo?
On the Goals of Ahrar al-Sham
When We Used to Defend the Mujahidin...
On the Beheading of Shaykh Abu Abd al-Bar al-Iraqi by ISIS
About the Spy in AQAP and His Relationship with ISIS
Important Warning Regarding the al-Hussam Institute
The Coalition, Bashar and ISIS - A Joint Coalition to Strike the Mujahideen
The Coalition, Bashar and ISIS - Part 2 - The Kurdish State
Why Tadmur City was Handed over to ISIS?
A Shocking Eye Witness Report From Tal Abyad
Appeal tot the Khalifh - On the 7000 Sunni Prisoners Who Will be Executed in Iraq
New American Strategy and the Future of AQ and ISIS
Does ISIS Beleive all those who Fight them to be Disbelievers
Refutation of the Compulsive Liar Abu Talut Khurasani
Abdal Kareem's Articles
Discussion with Anjum Choudary
Why are the Syrian rebels united against ISIS?
Why are the Mujaahideen Fighting the Islamic State Militia in Syria?
A Plea to ISIS Supporters to Read the True Story of Alan Henning
3 Things we Learned from ISIS Spokesman’s Latest Statement
ISIS Captive Abdul Rahman Kassig Presents a Dilemma
ISIS Supporter Asks Legitimate Questions
4 Reasons why Some Muslims Still Support ISIS
ISIS Ideology Regarding Killing Non Combatants: The Case for it and The Case Against it
Abdul Rahman Kassig’s Death: A Turning Point?
What We Learn From ISIS List of “Scholars” Part 1
Untold Events Surrounding ISIS Internal Conflict
Face the Truth: Interview with Dr. Bilal Philips
The Muslim Woman’s Road to Join ISIS
A Word Of Advice To ISIS - Sheikh Abdur Rahman Dimashqiah
3 Things we Learned from Jordanian Pilots Burning
ISIS Prisoner Cantlie Appears in Mosul Video
More on Alan Henning and the Covenant of Security (Amana) Given to Him by Muslims
"Shaikh" Faisal (pro-ISIS) Pleads for the Life of Alan Henning
Abu Hamza al-Masri - Khawarij and Jihaad
Abu Hamza al-Masri - Beware of Takfeer
Al-Mawardi - Laws of Islamic Governance
Abdullah Azzam - Jihad and Taqwa
Abdullah Azzam - On the Issue of Taking Slaves
Words of Advice to the Brothers Leaving for Jihad
ISIS Related Documents
The Reality Behind the ISIS Group
Clearing the Accusations Against Ahlul-Jihad and Clarifying the Errors of Jam’at ISIS
Shaykh Abu Sulayman al-Muhajir - Interview
http://justpaste.it/f2le (video Links)
Shaykh Abu Sulayman al-Muhajir - Testimony
Shaykh Abu Sulayman al-Muhajir - Question and Answer Sessions
Shaykh Abu Sulayman al-Muhajir - Biography
Abu Firas al-Suri - Testimony
Farouq, Abu Hamam al-Suri - Testimony
Abu Abdullah ash-Shami on ISIS and the fitna
Abu Abdullah ash-Shami does Mubahala
Abu Abdullah ash-Shami On Electing the Khalifah
http://justpaste.it/Issues_Imamah (Partially Summarised)
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - Al-Jazeera Interview with Ahmad Mansour Part 1
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - I Wish You Were the One Eulogising Me
http://justpaste.it/ej5r (Summarised)
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - About the Fields of al-Sham - Reaction to the Declaration of ISIS
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - Initiative to End the Fitna in al-Shaam
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - For the People of Integrity, Sacrifice is Easy (September 2014)
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - Meeting with Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Jolani
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani - Victory from Allah, and A Near Conquest
Abu Hassan al-Kuwaiti - ISIS and their Animalistic Desires
Abu Hassan al-Kuwaiti - Similarity between the Khawarij and Rawafid
Abu Hassan al-Kuwaiti - How did the Khawarij enter Ayn Al-Arab (Kobani)
Abu Hassan al-Kuwaiti - ISIS and their Media Lies!
Abu Hassan al-Kuwaiti - Advice of Rasoolullah (saw) to the Mujahideen Fighting in the Path of Allah
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - On the Bombing of the Shia Mosque in Kuwait
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - Humiliating Proofs Regarding the Ignorance of the Extremists
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - Advice To All Those Who Are Soft Towards the Khawarij
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - Realities Which Must be Mentioned
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - About the Juristic Knowledge of Abu Ali al-Anbari
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - Al-Qaeda and those who Claim Adherence to it
Abu Maria al-Qahtani - Daaish (ISIS) and Conspiracy
Abu Usamah al Jazraawi - This is my testimony
JN Statement - The Group of ‘Dawlah’- and the Islamic Ruling Regarding it
JN Statement - On the Ongoing Fighting with ISIS (May 2014)
JN Statement - Regarding the Fighting Between Nusra and ISIS in Northern Aleppo (September 2014)
JN Statement - A Statement on what happened in Arsal
JN Statement - A Clarification Regarding the Alleged Announcement of an Emirate
JN Statement - Regarding the Revolutionary Covenant
JN Statement - On the situation in General & Strongly Rebuking ISIS
ISIS Statement - On the Peace Initiative
ISIS Statement - On the Killing of Abu Khalid as-Suri and on Takfeer
A Collection of the Words of the Scholars Regarding ISIS
Shaykh Abu Qatadah al-Filistini - Interview with Bilal Abdul Kareem
Shaykh Abu Qatadah al-Filistini - The Cloak of the Khilafa
Shaykh Abu Qatadah al-Filistini - Caliphate for Rent .. Evil is Their Choice
Shaykh Abu Qatadah al-Filistini - A Message to the People of Jihad and those who Love Jihad
Shaykh Abu Qatadah - A Letter to the People of Jihad in Al-Sham
Shaykh Abu Qatadah - On the Hadeeth of Killing them like the People of 'Aad were Killed
Shaykh Abu Qatadah - On ISIS Sympathiers and Advices for the Mujahideen in Sham
Shaykh Abu Qatadah - The Clear Cut Kufr Committed by ISIS
Shaykh Abu Qatadah - On the Pictures Released by Jaysh Al-Islam Imitating ISIS
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - A Call to the Ummah & Mujahideen
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - Oh Allah, I am not Responsible From What Those Have Done
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - On the Assault of Shaykh Dr. Eyad al-Qunaibi
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - This is Some of What I Have and Not All of It
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - On the Caliphate
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - Extract From 'Rulings on Fghting the Bughaat'
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - Why Did I Not Name Them Khawarij Even Until Now
http://justpaste.it/m13312:47 PM 6/29/2015
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - Repelling the Aggression of ISIS From A Far
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - Clarifications on Issues of Takfeer and Extremism
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - Warning From Widespread Mistakes in Takfeer
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - On the Prisoner Exchange Deal
Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi - On Dr Eyad Qunaibi
Shaykh Sulayman al-`Alwan - Ruling of Giving Bay'ah to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS)
Shaykh Sulayman al-`Alwan - On ISIS
Shaykh Sulayman al-`Alwan - The Ruling on Fighting Under a Kufr Banner
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini on ISIS Refusing Sharia Courts
http://justpaste.it/g78t (compare links*)
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini Challenges ISIS fans to Mubahalah for their Accusations against Him
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini on the Announcement of the Khilafa
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini on the Ummah Iniative
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini - the Ruling on ‘Revolution Flag’
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini - Advice to Someone who wants to come to Jihad but is unsure about ISIS
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini - For Allah, the Islamic Ummah and the people of Shaam
Shaykh Hani Sibai and Tariq Abdel Haleem - A Declaration of Disownment and Divergence From the Ideology and Actions of ISIS
Shaykh Hani Sibai and Tariq Abdel Haleem - The Reality of ISIS and their Leader Ibrahim Awwad - Characterization of the Organization and the True-Nature of its Beliefs
Shaykh Hani Sibai and Tariq Abdel Haleem - Some Documented Crimes of the ISIS Group
Shaykh Hani Sibai - Commentary on al-Baghdadi's Speech ‘March Forth Whether Light or Heavy’
Shaykh Hani Sibai - Description of Something... And what is Destined to it
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - What Do You Need to Know About ISIS 1
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - What Do You Need to Know About ISIS 2 - Why Giving Allegiance to ISIS is Haram?
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - What is the Proof of ISIS Being Haruriyah Khawarij?
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - Is it Permissible for A Sunni Muslim to Give an Oath of Allegiance to the Haroriyah?
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - On Seperating From the Scholars and the Issue of Takfeer
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - Ten Vices of the Evil thought of Al-Harooriya
Shaykh Tariq Abdel Haleem - Bidaa, Can it be good?
Shaykh Abu Baseer - A Message to the Muhajiroon of Al-Sham and those Intending to Join Them
Shaykh Abu Baseer - A Declaration Regarding the Fighting Between the ISIS and the Mujahedeen of Al-Sham
Shaykh Abu Baseer - These Are the Ones from Whom I Fear for the Jihad and the Mujahidin!
Shaykh Abu Baseer - Message to Abu Jihad ash-Shishani
Shaykh Abu Baseer - The Validity of the Victorious Emirate
Dr Eyad Qunaibi - The Important Difference between Applying Hudood & “Applying Sharia”
Dr Eyad Qunaibi - Why do we talk about the Declaration of Caliphate?
Dr Eyad Qunaibi - Khilafa, Is it a thing that is Declared or Decided by the Situation?
Sheikh Abu Muaz, Noorudeen Nafeeah (A Contemporary of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam) - On Baghdadi’s State
Sheikh Abu Hafs al-Mauritani (Former Mufti of Al-Qaeda) - ISIS Does Not Qualify as a Legitimate Caliphate
Shaykh Hassan al-Kattani on ISIS
Shaykh Abdul Aziz at-Turaifi - On the Khawarij
Shaykh Umar al-Hadochi on Abu Musab al-Tunisi and Umar Zaydaan (ISIS Shari'yeen)
Shaykh Kehlan al-Jubury - A Tiny Cup Of Blood – The Values of a True Caliphate
Shaykh Muhammad al-Jazouli - A Call to Leave the Term Sahawaat and Use the Term Murtadeen
Association of Syrian Scholars on the Actions of ISIS
Conclusive Scholarly Opinions on ISIS
Fatwa on the Fitnah in Kavkaz (Signed by the Scholars of Jihad)
Fatwa after the Taking of Sawran (Signed by the Scholars of Jihad)
Shariah Court of A'zaz - Announcement of General Call to Arms (Against ISIS)
Minbar al-Tawhed - Is the Islamic State Organization Khawarij
Minbar al-Tawhed - On the Permissability of Fighting in the Ranks of ISIS in Iraq
Ustad Bilal Phillips on ISIS
Ustad Alomgir Ali on the Khawarij
Husayn ibn Mahmood Regarding the Declaration of the Khilafah
Ahrar - Hassan Abboud - On the Events in Syria and the Ummah Initiative
Ahrar - Abu Abdul-Malek - About the claimed Caliphate
Ahrar - On the Announcement of ISIS and its Implications
Ahrar - Abu Yazn - Summary on the Explanation of the Hadith of Dhul Khwaisara
Ahrar - Confession on the Killing of Abu Khalid as-Suri
Fajr al-Sham - On their Stance Towards ISIS
Muslim Shishani - On the Fitna in Syria
Muslim Shishani - On Islamic Front, ISIS & Rumors of Kidnapped Women
Muslim Shishani - An Address to the Youth of the Ummah Regarding the Scholars
JMA - Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar - Salahudin Sheeshani on his Trip to Raqqa to Make Peace with ISIS
JMA - Salahudin Sheeshani - The Most Damage Came From ISIS
JMA - Abdul-Karim Crimean On ISIS
JMA - On the “ISIS Defector” Videos
JMA - Interview with Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar Sharia Committee
JMA - Group of Dawlah and the Series of Takfeer which Do Not End
Khalid Shishani - A Clarification About Umar Shishani
Jaysh al-Mujahideen - On the Islamic State between Truth and Falsehood
Jaysh al-Mujahideen - Abu Abdullah al-Mansoor on the ilm of the "khalifah"
Ansar ul-Islam - A Message to Ayman al-Zawahiri
http://justpaste.it/h8al (Summarised)
Abu Abdel Aziz al-Qatari - Testimony proving the deception of ISIS
Ayman al-Zawahiri - A Testimony to Save/Preserve Blood of the Mujahideen in Shaam
Ayman al-Zawahiri - Eulogy of Abu Khalid Suri
Ayman al-Zawahiri - A Letter Sent to the Leaders of the Two Jihadi Groups
Ayman al-Zawahiri - Advice to the Mujahideen
Ayman al-Zawahiri - Excerpt from Letter to Zarqawi
Abu Dujanah al-Basha - This is Our Message
Mustafa Abul Yazeed - Regarding the Name of Islamic State of Iraq
Abu Yahya al-Libi - A Message to Shaykh Jawlani
Atiyatullah al-Libi - Importance of the Sanctity of Muslim Blood
Atiyatullah al-Libi - Issue of Takfir (Excommunication)
Atiyatullah al-Libi - Ruling on Taking Disbelieving Women as Slaves
Atiyatullah al-Libi - Personality & Characteristics of Mulla Umar - His Love & Mercy with the Arabs
Atiyatullah al-Libi - Personality & Characteristics of Mulla Umar - His Patience & Thabaat
Usamah bin Ladin - Some Advise Regarding Takfeer
Adam Gadahn - Killing of the Aid Worker Allan Henning
AQ Statement - Acknowledging that ISIS is No Longer Linked to Them
AQ Statement - On their Relationship to Mullah Umar
AQAP - Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula - Response in Regards the Words of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
AQAP - A Statement Denying Connection to the Explosions at the Houthis' Mosques in Sana'a
AQAP - Harith an-Nathari - On Dealing With Disputes
AQAP - Harith an-Nathari - Those Who Discourage Jihad
AQAP - Harith an-Nathari - Pleasing the People
AQAP - Harith an-Nathari - The Infallibility of Muslim Blood
AQAP - Nasr al-Ansi - 3rd Meeting with the Sheikh
AQIM - Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Magrib - Advising ISIS
http://justpaste.it/MaliWitness (Summarised)
AQIS - Al-Qaeda in the Indian Sub Continent - Announcing their New Branch
AQIS - Ahmad Farooq - We Should All Become Like A Honey-Bee...!
AQIS - Asim Umar - Impediments of Takfir
AQIS - American Aggression on Iraq and Syria
AQIS - On the Peshawar Attack
Abu Sulayman al-Utaybi (Former Top judge of ISI) - A Letter to Al-Qaeda Central
Majed al-Majed (Leader of Abdullah Azzam Brigade) - A Message to Ayman al-Zawahiri
Abu Muhammad al-Dagestani (Leader of the Caucasian Emirate) - Position of the Caucasus Emirate on the Fitna In Syria
https://justpaste.it/he53 (summary)
Abu Muhammad al-Dagestani - A Message to the Muslims
Abu Muhammad al-Dagestani - A Message to the Scholars of the Ummah
Abu Muhammad al-Dagestani - A Message with Advice to Mujahideen of Sham
Abu Ahmad al-Iraqi (Former Companion of Abu Mus'ab az-Zarqawi) - On the Baathist Penetration into ISI and later ISIS
Kavkaz Center On the Fitna in Syria
Taliban - Letter from the Taliban to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Taliban - Qaari Ikraam - Usama was Never a Da'eshi !!
Mujahideen Shura council of Derna - A Final Warning to the Ghulaat of Takfeer
This is their Manhaj - Uncovering the Details of the Assassination of Amir Abu Muhammad al-Fateh and his Family Members
Abu Sulayman al-Misri (An Ameer in Jabhat al-Nusra) - A Response to the Allegations of Jabhat al-Nusra's Collusion with Jamal Ma'rouf
Abu Ahmad al-Misri (A Muhajir in Ash-Sham) - Testimony in Regards to the Lie of "Raping the Muhajirat"
Ex-ISIS Testimony - Abu Talha Jazrawi
Ex-ISIS Testimony - Abu Musab al-Tunisi
Ex-ISIS Testimony - Testimony of some who left IS
Ex-ISIS Testimony - Abu Ahmed Escasping from ISIS
Ex-ISIS Testimony - Why I left Dawlah ‘Islamic State'
Evidence that ISIS has Exremists in their Ranks
ISIS Leader (Abu Usamah al-Iraqi) Makes Takfeer on Abu Khaled as-Suri
ISIS Leader (Abu Ayman al-Iraqi) Doesn't Want to Rule by the Sharia of Allah
A Reply to the Accusations of Abu Waleed (an ISIS Judge in Qalamun)
Differences Between az-Zarqawi & ISIS
On the Bay'ah Between Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS) and Ayman az-Zawahiri
Who are the "scholars" that support ISIS?
On the Qualifications of Mani' bin Nasir al-Mani' (An ex-ISIS, pro-Saudi scholar that ISIS had used to attack Al-Qaeda)
Are ISIS Khawarij
Things Which the Youth Admire About the ‘Awadiyah Khawarij (ISIS)
Claim of ISIS to Global Jihad
ISIS and Extremism
Hijacking a Mujahid organization - Not the First time
Few Similarities Between GIA & ISIS
How ISIS is in Takfeer when compared to Ahlus-Sunnah?
Why the Scholars of the Mujahideen are Targeted?
On the Ex-Bathists Leadership of ISIS
On Jabhat al-Nusra Releasing UN Soldiers
Real Heroes Have Flaws
Blind Support - Hooliganism vs. Brotherhood
US strategy in the Fight against AQ - Part 1 The Recalculation
US strategy in the Fight against AQ - Part 2 Distinction in Policy
US strategy in the Fight against AQ - Part 3 Strategic Insight
Jihad Fiction - Sherlock Holmes and D. Watsons on ISIS
On Jameel Adhahiri, the Yemeni Spy who is an ISIS Commander
The Turkish Army in the Care of the Khalifa
On AQAP's Ransom of the Saudi Minister
The Followers of “The Caliphate” in Yemen … Facts and Questions
Biography of Mulla Umar
Did Dawlah Attack Shaykh Usamah in their Dabiq Magazine
ISIS - The Evil Darkness that Shadows the Islamic Ummah
Decisive Reply to those Slandering Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi
On the Leaked Conversation Between Maqdisi and ISIS over the Release of Sajida
Response to ”Abu Sa’eed Al-Britani” on the Scholars and their Stance on ISIS
A Story by a Muhajir about a Friend he once knew, who joined ISIS
Story of Two Somali-Norwegian Girls Who Joined ISIS
On ShamiWitness and Advice to Brothers
Regarding the Article 'Exposing The Deviance of Al Qaidah 2.0'
Albanian Muhajirs Message to ISIS & to Those Who Are Neutral
Difference Between Taking Aid from the Kuffar and Giving them Victory over the Muslims
Such Evidences Will Never be Sufficient for the Seeker of Truth and the One Free from the Blinding of Ignorance and Deception
Stances from the Noble Seerah to Ponder Upon
Is Nusra fighting ISIS Independently or in Alliance with other Groups in Aleppo?
On the Goals of Ahrar al-Sham
When We Used to Defend the Mujahidin...
On the Beheading of Shaykh Abu Abd al-Bar al-Iraqi by ISIS
About the Spy in AQAP and His Relationship with ISIS
Important Warning Regarding the al-Hussam Institute
The Coalition, Bashar and ISIS - A Joint Coalition to Strike the Mujahideen
The Coalition, Bashar and ISIS - Part 2 - The Kurdish State
Why Tadmur City was Handed over to ISIS?
A Shocking Eye Witness Report From Tal Abyad
Appeal tot the Khalifh - On the 7000 Sunni Prisoners Who Will be Executed in Iraq
New American Strategy and the Future of AQ and ISIS
Does ISIS Beleive all those who Fight them to be Disbelievers
Refutation of the Compulsive Liar Abu Talut Khurasani
Abdal Kareem's Articles
Discussion with Anjum Choudary
Why are the Syrian rebels united against ISIS?
Why are the Mujaahideen Fighting the Islamic State Militia in Syria?
A Plea to ISIS Supporters to Read the True Story of Alan Henning
3 Things we Learned from ISIS Spokesman’s Latest Statement
ISIS Captive Abdul Rahman Kassig Presents a Dilemma
ISIS Supporter Asks Legitimate Questions
4 Reasons why Some Muslims Still Support ISIS
ISIS Ideology Regarding Killing Non Combatants: The Case for it and The Case Against it
Abdul Rahman Kassig’s Death: A Turning Point?
What We Learn From ISIS List of “Scholars” Part 1
Untold Events Surrounding ISIS Internal Conflict
Face the Truth: Interview with Dr. Bilal Philips
The Muslim Woman’s Road to Join ISIS
A Word Of Advice To ISIS - Sheikh Abdur Rahman Dimashqiah
3 Things we Learned from Jordanian Pilots Burning
ISIS Prisoner Cantlie Appears in Mosul Video
More on Alan Henning and the Covenant of Security (Amana) Given to Him by Muslims
"Shaikh" Faisal (pro-ISIS) Pleads for the Life of Alan Henning
Abu Hamza al-Masri - Khawarij and Jihaad
Abu Hamza al-Masri - Beware of Takfeer
Al-Mawardi - Laws of Islamic Governance
Abdullah Azzam - Jihad and Taqwa
Abdullah Azzam - On the Issue of Taking Slaves
Words of Advice to the Brothers Leaving for Jihad