بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
Global Islamic Media Front
L a n g u a g e and Translation Department
The English Translation
Statement Regarding the Burkina Faso Raid
When Muslim Africa Took Revenge for its Victims
Al-Andalus Foundation for Media Productions
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb [AQIM]
الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
Global Islamic Media Front
L a n g u a g e and Translation Department
The English Translation
Statement Regarding the Burkina Faso Raid
When Muslim Africa Took Revenge for its Victims
Al-Andalus Foundation for Media Productions
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb [AQIM]
PDF 991kb
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قسم اللغات و الترجمة
L a n g u a g e and Translation Department
الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
The Global Islamic Media Front
Contact US:
Surespot/ @GIMF; Telegram: @GIMF_Media
رَصدٌ لأَخبَار المُجاهِدين وَ تَحريضٌ للمُؤمِنين
Observing the Mujahideen News and Inciting
the Believers